Our Projects
Our projects meet felt needs, bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, improve healthcare facilities in neighborhoods, release the oppressed, and promote equal opportunities for every individual, regardless of their background or social status. Here is a brief overview of our current projects:

Newark City of Destiny
Recognizing that Newark was founded to be “as nearly as possible the Kingdom of God on earth,” we are challenging participants to engage around the kingdom concepts or what we call developmental segments of good news to the poor, release for the prisoners, sight for the blind, freedom for the oppressed and the year of the Lord’s for based on Isaiah 61 and Luke 4.
Global Day of Prayer Newark
Global Day of Prayer Newark: Since 2007, Newark has celebrated the Nations with the Nations in this expression of Pentecost which is the birthday of the Christian Church. We will celebrate in Weequahic Park from 12p-4p this year on Saturday, May 18th. It is more than a day, it is a lifestyle of prayer and connection to the world. From noon to 2pm is a Mission and Ministry Fair with participants from around the globe. Complete our Contact Us form to let us know of your interest.

Proclaim the Kingdom
The Ingersolls have served in Newark for over 30 years and still have a vision to witness revival in this great city. They partner with leaders who also long to see a Kingdom of God restoration in Newark by proclaiming Good News to the poor, liberty to the oppressed, recovery of sight, and the favor of the Lord. David has ministered with others on the streets of Newark in prayer and gospel outreach through initiatives like “Saturate.” He serves as an elder in leadership at Community Transformation Church (CTC - a multi-cultural church plant), facilitating services, leading prayer ministry and outreach, helping lead daily Bible study, and preaching in rotation (without financial compensation). David has been shown that personal revival comes when we die to ourselves, and are filled and led by God’s Holy Spirit to live for the Father in heaven, as Jesus the Christ did. Carol serves at CTC in prayer, outreach, and teaching Sunday school. She also ministers as a fourth-grade teacher in a multi-cultural Christian school not far from Newark.
Started in 2007, this prayer movement seeks to bless everyone who lives, works, or worships in Newark through positive prayers in the name of Jesus. It includes Newark Adopt-A-Street, which became a prototype for Adopt-A-Street prayer projects in 1500 cities and 72 nations following the dramatic plunge in the murder rate after 100% of Newark’s streets were adopted for Prayer.
Starfish Endeavor
The Starfish Endeavor is a prototype focusing on health: the greatest felt need of the nations. Four Square Miles compares Healthy People parameters and other metrics of New Providence, NJ where founders lived for 34 years t the South Ward of Newark and asks “Why?” In encompasses two projects, the Starfish School and Clinic. Presently DBT for Everyone (dialectical behavioral therapy), the partnership with Celebrate Recovery and study through the Daniel Plan (faith, food, fitness, focus and friends) are offered by ZOOM. Prayer ministry team training is ongoing.

Proclaim Hope
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us today.

Highways of Holiness
The book's title and project is associated with connecting Kingdom-minded people across geographies and connecting regions' history and destiny. The Highway of Holiness model is an extension of Prayer Evangelism, which has been successfully used in city, marketplace, and nation transformation around the world. This image from Lloyd’s book Highways of Holiness represents a connection across history and geography for revival and a Christ Awakening in New Jersey. This is done through partnering with Saturate/Jesus Week, Proclaim Hope, Aglow, PrayNJ, and other kingdom-minded ministries.