Trailblazer in Transformation
LLOYD TURNER, PhD (1950-2021) was an educator and marketplace Christian who had a passion for spiritual history. He served as an adjunct instructor at Pillar College, where he taught courses in Western Civilization. He also taught American History at the American Christian School. He also led several course/trips to historic and spiritually significant sites such as DC, Philadelphia and Plymouth. He formerly held faculty positions in urban policy analysis at The University of Iowa and at Bryn Mawr College and has been employed as an IT project manager at AT&T and BT Americas. He earned a Ph.D. in Public Policy Analysis from the University of Pennsylvania and is the author of several books, including Highways of Holiness: Preparing the Way for the Lord (2006) a Study Guide and Prayer Guide for HOH. He Co-authored The Street Adopter’s Handbook (2011) with Joanne, wrote Proclaiming the Kingdom (2014) and Newark: City of Destiny (2018). He served as a member of the Executive Leadership Team for the TransformOurWorld network and is a co-founder of PrayForNewark a project of The Caring Network, Volunteer Services and pioneer of additional kingdom advancing projects. A lifelong Presbyterian, he embraced the reformed traditions but sought the “greater gifts” as mentioned in I Cor 14. He taught adults at both the Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia where he met Joanne and at the New Providence Presbyterian church. There he pioneered the Streams class which looks at the major traditions in the Christian faith to learn from each. Lloyd died in January of 2021 after receiving what we hoped was a life saving lung transplant following development of a rare lung disease called hypersensitivity pneumonitis which developed into pulmonary fibrosis. A blog of the journey is available on The Caring Bridge/Lloyd Turner. His legacy lives on in those he touched and the projects he pioneered.

After learning of the ancient covenant between the founders of Newark and Elizabeth, Lloyd sought and found the monument commemorating its location. He sought to restore the monument, a project that is ongoing and moving forward. He loved his family, his Lord and his life unto death.
Servant Daughter Co-laboring in God’s Garden
Joanne Turner, RN, APN, MSN is the founder and executive director of The Caring Network, Volunteer Services a New Jersey nonprofit Corporation which was incorporated in 1994 as a 501-C-3 organizaton. She earned a bachelor’s degree in science at the University of Pennsylvania and worked in surgical critical care nursing at HUP. Her masters’ degrees are from Widener University with a focus on Head Trauma and from UMDNJ/Rutgers in Psych-Mental Health. She pioneered and led the Central and Northern NJ Parish Nursing (Congregational Health) Networks for more that a decade. For more than 40 years she has worked professionally as a nurse and recently left her role as an Advanced Practice Nurse serving on the medical staff in Neuroscience at a large medical system in New Jersey. She presently does medication management as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in Psych-Mental Health at the Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris in Montclair. Her passion is to see individual, community and nation transformation that are measurable in the areas of health and wholeness. She has “adopted” the health care industry as a “nation” and Newark as a “City on a Hill”.
She co-authored The Street Adopter’s Handbook (2011) with her late husband Lloyd. After his death she was invited to serve as a member of the Executive Leadership Team for the TransformOurWorld (TOW) network. A lifelong Presbyterian, she embraces the reformed traditions of the priesthood of all believers and what is commonly called the “protestant work ethic” or as described in the TOW’s paradigms “Every Christian is a minister and labor is worship”. She is ordained both as an elder and a deacon in the Presbyterian church and taught adult education and small home groups through the New Providence Presbyterian Church. There she led prayer, healing and deliverance ministry and pioneered the Streams class with her late husband Lloyd, which looks at the major traditions in the Christian faith to learn from each. She also trained a team of healing prayer and deliverance ministers in partnership with the Dunamis Project of the Presbyterian and Reformed Ministries International team.
After her husband’s death she relocated to Little Egg Harbor, NJ to be near her two granddaughters and her younger son who is a veterinarian. Her first son also lives in NJ and is a contractor as a mechanical engineer for the Navy.

The Caring Network, Volunteer Services
The Caring Network, Volunteer Services (TCNVS) a New Jersey nonprofit Corporation which was incorporated in 1994 as a 501-C-3 organizaton established to answer the question, “What does the social (health, education and welfare) side of the revival of Christ’s church look like?.
The logo spiral represents an ancient symbol for water which is the scripture represents the Holy Spirit work. The cross at the center represents Jesus who bids us come to Him and then go to the world.

The Starfish Endeavor is a prototype focusing on health: the greatest felt need of the nations. Four Square miles compares Healthy People parameters and other metrics of New Providence, NJ where founders lived for 34 years to the South Ward of Newark and asks “Why” It encompasses two projects, the Starfish School and Clinic. Presently, DBT for Everyone (dialectical behavior therapy), the partnership with Celebrate Recovery and study through the Daniel Plan (faith, food, fitness, focus and friends) are offered by ZOOM. Prayer ministry team training is ongoing.

This image from Lloyd’s book Highways of Holiness represents the connection across history and geography for revival, and a Christ Awakening in New Jersey. This is done by partnering with Saturate/Jesus Week, Proclaim Hope, Aglow, PrayNJ and other kingdom minded ministries.

Proclaim the Kingdom is the work of Carol and David Ingersoll who have served in Newark as urban missionaries for 30 years. Initially with World Impact, they joined forces with TCNVS after the closing of the Christian School at World Impact in 2019. They are leaders with the Community Transformation Church led by Keith and Tiffany Wilks and engaged with “Proclaiming the Kingdom” in Newark and beyond an extensive outreach in Kenya.
Seeds of Hope helps raise funds and hope for international projects with local connection. Projects in Haiti, Jamaica, Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana were partially funded in 2022.