Making a Difference

Our Mission in 3 words is "Come and Go".  We develop and implement transferable prototypes for city, regional and  nation transformation by meeting the felt needs of individuals, cities and regions.

Global Day of Prayer Newark

Pentecost Unity Celebration will be held Saturday,  June 7th.  We have flags from more than 100 nations and celebrate the nations among us. Register to carry your national heritage flag.

The Caring Network Volunteer Services

About Our Logo

The logo a cross, the central symbol of the Christian faith, in the center of a spiral which is an ancient symbol for water. Water in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures represents cleansing, refreshment, life, flow as well as symbol of the Holy Spirit. Though it may seem that our projects are in very different area, they are strategic in meeting humanitarian needs and ‘felt needs’ where-ever they are and drawing people into the gospel of grace as they are willing to come and after sitting at the foot of the cross propelling ourselves and others to meet a hurting world. 

About Our Founders

Our founders, Lloyd and Joanne Turner established The Caring Network in 1994 and ran the network together until Lloyd’s death in 2021. Both served full time in the marketplace, Lloyd as faculty at several universities, colleges and high school as well as a project manager in information technology. He is author of six books and has a passion for the history and destiny of regions.

Joanne works in the Health Care industry and has a passion to see individual, community and institutional improvements in markers of health and wholeness.  She recognizes the power of prayer and works to implement strategic  prayer   in all of her spheres of influence.

What we Believe

There is only one true God who is the eternal King, Creator, and Redeemer of all that is. He is perfectly holy, just, loving, and truthful. He has revealed Himself to be eternally self-existent–one being in three persons: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.